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[] EBS FM ױ۸(Easy English) ʱ ȸȭ

:   ѱۿ
ڵ [ISSN] :   1228-5943
౹/ :   ѱ / ѱ
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Ƚ :   (12ȸ)
:    17~22
(12) :  96,000 91,200 (5%)
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  ϰ ĥ Ǿ ʰ ۵ ֽϴ.

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 - ּ Ǽ ſ 15 ּҺ ûּ.

   ̽ : 02) 6412-0125~9 / nice@nicebook.kr

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() EBS ˽ױ۸ ظ
olleh TV Ȩ
Ʈ̴ OPIc Power Grammar ¶
() EBS ࿵
п Tell Me More ⿬
¿ , пƮ̴ס
OPIc Power Grammar
ִ ª
ִ ª
Step by Reading 1, 2, 3
My Final Reading Book 1, 2, 3
Fun with Phonics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  EBS FM ױ۸(Easy English) ʱ ȸȭ


Ƚ ()


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  ⱸ: 91,200, : 96,000 (5% )



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  , EBS FM Radio Easy English, ױ۸,FM Radio,  



  EBS FM ױ۸(Easy English) ʱ ȸȭ




  翡 ( )


   3~5 ҿ

ļ нó

  ļ ±ȯ, н ۻ ؼ ߼ ó


  Ұ ( ؿܹ 񽺰 ʽϴ)


  ͷ ٶϴ. ( 02) 6412-0125~6 / nice@nicebook.kr)


1st week
01 Sat. Weekly Review

2nd week
03 Mon. Wanna catch a movie? ȭ ?
04 Tue. Whats your go-to summer movie? ȭ ?
05 Wed. The new dinosaurs look so lifelike. ¥ !
06 Thu. Its humbling. .
07 Fri. Lets grab our tickets. 츮 ǥ ã.
08 Sat. Weekly Review

3rd week
10 Mon. Flowy dresses are my go-to. ϴðŸ ǽ ϰ Դ ž.
11 Tue. I need your advice on what to wear. Ծ ʿ.
12 Wed. This sticky weather is killing me. װڴ.
13 Thu. Lets see if they have any in my size. ´  ִ ˾ƺڰ.
14 Fri. Theyre so breathable. ⼺ .
15 Sat. Weekly Review

4th week
17 Mon. Im a huge fan! Դϴ!
18 Tue. So wonderful to meet you in person. ̷ ˰ Ǿ ׿.
19 Wed. Youve been my biggest inspiration. ū ֽ ̼.
20 Thu. Never stop learning. .
21 Fri. Can I have your autograph in my book? å ޾Ƶ ɱ?
22 Sat. Weekly Review

5th week
24 Mon. Life is too short not to laugh. ʰ ⿣ λ ʹ ªϱ.
25 Tue. It started today in 1950. ٷ 1950 ۵Ǿ.
26 Wed. Whats good about group tours? ü Ŵ?
27 Thu. Isnt a group tour a bit restrictive? ü ణ ʾ?
28 Fri. Well do our own thing. 츮 ˾Ƽ ž.
29 Sat. Weekly Review

1st week
1 Wed. Those were the days! ׶ !
2 Thu. No wonder youre so creative! ¾ â̴!
3 Fri. We do have special days for kids. ̸ Ư ֱ .
4 Sat. Weekly Review

2nd week
6 Mon. It wasnt that bad! ׷ ʾҰŵ!
7 Tue. It took me forever to make just one. Ϸ ɷȴٴϱ.
8 Wed. Youre my hero. ̼.
9 Thu. I bet she appreciated that. Ӵϲ ϼ̰ڴ.
10 Fri. I spent the day with my grandma. ҸӴ϶ Ϸ縦 °ŵ.
11 Sat. Weekly Review

3rd week
13 Mon. You seem a bit preoccupied. δ.
14 Tue. It helps keep his mind sharp. ϵ ϴ .
15 Wed. He wanted to give back to the community. ȸ ⿩ϱ ϼ.
16 Thu. Hes setting a really great example. ְ .
17 Fri. Managing stress is also a key. Ʈ ϴ ͵ ߿.
18 Sat. Weekly Review

4th week
20 Mon. How could we organize it? ׷  ¥?
21 Tue. We could have a book fair during the festival. 츮 ȿ  ־.
22 Wed. Tough choice. װ ΰ.
23 Thu. We need to ensure theres something for everyone. ߰ ־ .
24 Fri. We need a backup plan. å .
25 Sat. Weekly Review

5th week
27 Mon. It really pumped up the atmosphere. ٶ ü ⸦ ÷.
28 Tue. The book fair turned out great. ߵƾ.
29 Wed. The energy was off the charts. û վ .
30 Thu. You both did an outstanding job. پ ߾.
31 Fri. The unexpected weather changes really threw us off. ġ ȭ Ȳ.

1st week
01 Mon. Are you ready to go on it? Ż غ ƾ?
02 Tue. Theyre so majestic! dzϴ!
03 Wed. It was a blast! ¥ ų!
04 Thu. Dont stand up or lean over the edge. Ͼų ڸ 뼱 .
05 Fri. Do you need to go to the restroom? Ȥ ȭǿ ٳ; ϴ?
06 Sat. Weekly Review

2nd week
08 Mon. Its everywhere! ִٴϱ.
09 Tue. AI has made life more convenient. ΰ 츮 ϰ .
10 Wed. I worry about privacy. ̹ð DZ⵵ .
11 Thu. Theyre getting so convincing! ׷ .
12 Fri. Anyone can be a target. ǥ ־.
13 Sat. Weekly Review

3rd week
15 Mon. Do you think its effective? ׷ ȿ ?
16 Tue. Overdoing it might lead to burnout. ġ ϸ ƿ ٰ̾.
17 Wed. It was torture back then. ׶ װ ̾.
18 Thu. We want the best for our childrens English learning. 츰 츮 ̵  ־ ְ ٶ.
19 Fri. Im all for it. װ ̾.
20 Sat. Weekly Review

4th week
22 Mon. It was so heartbreaking. .
23 Tue. The air quality has been getting worse lately. ֱٿ ־.
24 Wed. It was eye-opening. ݰ ׷ ̾.
25 Thu. Many people are losing their homes and lives. Ұ ־.
26 Fri. Its like a win-win for our health and the planet. 츮 ǰ .
27 Sat. Weekly Review

5th week
29 Mon. I just turned 40 today. ƾ.
30 Tue. Its probably time to be more relaxed. ¼ ǰ .

1st week
01 Fri. People come together for a cause. ǹ ִ ѵ ġ.
02 Sat. Weekly Review

2nd week
04 Mon. I am the nurse here. ȣ翹.
05 Tue. Itll be just a slight pinch. ſ.
06 Wed. We can apply a cold compress. 帱 ־.
07 Thu. It feels itchy too. Ʊ⵵ ؿ.
08 Fri. Were done. ߾.
09 Sat. Weekly Review

3rd week
11 Mon. All the workouts seem to have paid off. ׷ ϴ ־ .
12 Tue. Your chocolate pie is to die for. װ ݸ̴ ݾ.
13 Wed. Im worried I might mess up. ĥ .
14 Thu. That makes sense. װ dz.
15 Fri. Do I sound monotonous? ʹ Ӱ 鸮?
16 Sat. Weekly Review

4th week
18 Mon. It was really well-received by everyone. ٵ Ҿ.
19 Tue. I actually dropped the ball at one point. ߰ 帧 ġ ־.
20 Wed. Your advice really helped. Ǿ.
21 Thu. He stumbled over his words a lot. Ÿ.
22 Fri. I heard there were mixed reviews. ٸ ǰ ִ.
23 Sat. Weekly Review

5th week
25 Mon. Lets pack up the kitchen last. ξ .
26 Tue. Smart choice! Ź ε?
27 Wed. Well make this new place feel like home. 츮 ž.
28 Thu. The sofa should go against that wall. Ĵ ٿ ƾ .
29 Fri. Works for me. .
30 Sat. Weekly Review

1st week
01 Thu. I felt like I was in a movie! ġ ȭ ӿ  Ҿ.
02 Fri. It must have felt like stepping back in time. ġ ð Ž ̾ڱ.
03 Sat. Weekly Review

2nd week
05 Mon. Im in a bit of a rush to catch my flight. ð ϰŵ.
06 Tue. Fancy meeting you here! ⼭ ٴ ̿!
07 Wed. What are you in the mood for? ð ?
08 Thu. Ill be there soon. ҰԿ.
09 Fri. Ive always been a numbers guy. ٷ ߾.
10 Sat. Weekly Review

3rd week
12 Mon. Water is self-serve. .
13 Tue. Its a time-saver, isnt it? ð ʾ?
14 Wed. Any plans for today? Ư ȹ ־?
15 Thu. Dont even ask. .
16 Fri. I still love him so much. ׸ ϰ ־.
17 Sat. Weekly Review

4th week
19 Mon. Its a common practice in Korea. װ ѱ ϰ ϴ ž.
20 Tue. Im a Taurus. Ȳڸ.
21 Wed. No more guessing when the next bus will come. ̻ ʾƵ .
22 Thu. How fascinating is that? ʹ !
23 Fri. How come I never thought of that? ?
24 Sat. Weekly Review

5th week
26 Mon. I really want to fit in this year. ش ̵ ︮ ;.
27 Tue. Stay within your means. м Ű鼭.
28 Wed. Youre the best! ƺ ְ!
29 Thu. Lets try a smaller size.  ž .

1st week
01 Mon. Happy New Year to you, too! ʵ ޾!
02 Tue. It was freezing but well worth it. û ߿ ġ ־.
03 Wed. Lets see if we can stick to them this time. ̹ ׷ ų ڰ.
04 Thu. How time flies! ð 󸶳 !
05 Fri. Those sound pretty doable. װ .
06 Sat. Weekly Review

2nd week
08 Mon. Lets hope for a smoother ride ahead. ź ٶڰ.
09 Tue. You got what it takes. ׷ .
10 Wed. No going broke trying to achieve my dreams. ̷ٰ ϴٰ ϸ ݾ!
11 Thu. Your support means the world to me. ׷ ¥ ǹ̰ Ŀ.
12 Fri. Im willing to help you out. Ⲩ ž.
13 Sat. Weekly Review

3rd week
15 Mon. Its crazy how popular theyve become. 󸶳 αⰡ ö .
16 Tue. Personality tests could help us understand people. ׽Ʈ п ְھ.
17 Wed. I wonder what his personality type is. ü ׺ Ÿ ñϳ.
18 Thu. I feel like I get them much better. ׺е ξ ϰ Ǵ .
19 Fri. I used to be such an extrovert. ̾.
20 Sat. Weekly Review

4th week
22 Mon. Hows it going for you?  Ǿ ִ?
23 Tue. I like that about you. ׷ .
24 Wed. She prefers to keep to herself. ׺ ȥ ֱ⸦ ϴ.
25 Thu. Shes really introverted. ׳ ̾.
26 Fri. Ive felt the same way. ̾.
27 Sat. Weekly Review

5th week
29 Mon. Were visiting the Blue House this weekend, right? ̹ ָ 츮 ûʹ ?
30 Tue. Driving and parking can be a hassle in the city. ϰ ϴ ÿ ְŵ.
31 Wed. Itll be a perfect way to complete the day. ׷ ϸ Ϻϰ Ϸ縦 ϴ ž.

Ⱑ ϴ.


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